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Strong First Jobs

While a college credential is an essential marker on the path to social and economic mobility, the quality and earning power of a first job is equally important in lifting low-income young people out of poverty. To that end, we support programs that ensure those who complete certificates and degrees from NYC colleges are prepared for and secure strong jobs.


The Foundation collaborates with NYC-based colleges and non-profit organizations that aim to support young New Yorkers toward achieving this end.


We are especially interested in projects that:

  • Provide career exploration, coaching, networking, and advisement for college students to navigate the job market

  • Connect college students to internships and facilitate job placement

  • Provide the “missing link” between college degrees and career success, including gaining technical skills and credentials valued by employers (e.g., “last mile” programming)

  • Foster productive collaboration between workforce training programs and college degree programs


“Strong First Job" projects awarded in 2022, 2023, and 2024


New York City-based colleges and non-profit programs that believe they have an innovative program applying one or more of the aforementioned strategies are welcome to submit a 1,000 character or less overview with an estimated total project budget to

Image Credit: Mark Lennihan/AP

The Carroll and Milton Petrie Foundation

41 Flatbush Ave, 2nd floor

Brooklyn, NY 11217




Photos credited with "CSPC" were taken by CUNY Students in the CUNY Student Photo Challenge. Used with permission.


©2022 Carroll and Milton Petrie Foundation. All Rights Reserved.

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